For more information or to schedule your pet's session, call 571.432.0561 | Jeanne Taylor Photography

Bandit, 2009

Published and awarded pet photographer serving the Charleston SC area with seasonal appointments in Northern Virginia.


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Bandit's Legacy | Always With Me

A program honoring terminally ill pets and the people who love them.

Memories and photos. There will come a time when that is all we have left. Memories soften over time, sure, but photos are forever, much like our love for our companions. Thankfully, I have known many dogs' unconditional love. And having lost my Bandit (banner image above) just before his 16th birthday, and our two elderly and so very loved dogs before him, Addie and Tibeaux (at almost 16 and 17), I know the devastating pain of that loss. And, to this day, I remain comforted by my photos of them. My dogs always take over my whole heart.

Bandit was the last of our dogs at the time he left. He was my constant sidekick, my kid. And, with his loss, there was no more jangling of tags, or hearing nails clicking on the floor; no more 8 o'clock hour pill schedules or short, slow strolls; no more car rides just for the sake of giving him an adventure. I was alone with silence and my grief. Then I decided to honor him with a program that focuses on pets who have received a challenging diagnosis, or are identified as terminal, along with their families. It is my hope that Bandit’s Legacy, “Always With Me”, will give others some peace during a time of such tremendous loss and sadness. Having beautiful photos that honor your pet and your relationship with them can be such a comfort - I know this firsthand.

I also know the anxiety a pet’s diagnosis can produce for their humans. I understand you will incur veterinary expenses for treatment, medication or even palliative care. But knowing the importance of having photos to cherish, Bandit’s Legacy offers a session at no charge to the family. No one should have to forego a session during a time like this because of concerns over expense. If you have received a terminal diagnosis for your pet and would like to schedule a session, please contact me. (Terminal would mean cancer, for example, not simply because your pet is elderly.) Local Charleston SC area sessions within my 40-mile round trip zone average a time investment of five hours including travel, session time, processing/editing and production. The estimated value to clients participating in this program is over $400 and this is gifted to the families. Clients may then order prints, products or digital outputs, but are never obligated to do so. The most important part is to hold the session while the pet is feeling like themselves, as that is the memory you will want to capture.

I am truly sorry you and your pet are having this experience. It is not anything we are ever fully prepared to manage. It is my privilege to provide these services as I know how important they will be to you in the years to come. Note, there is no "nomination process" here and it's not done by selection - it's a service offered to anyone who has a terminal pet so please don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions.

From recent clients under this offering:

"Thank you again for being so flexible and accommodating my schedule when we had so little time left. And what's more, coming out on a rainy holiday weekend to do so. It truly means the world to me. Gizi and I spent all day together on Monday getting snacks, going for a walk, and just hanging around, which was always her favorite thing. The vet came Monday late afternoon, and it was beautiful despite being so sad. There is a huge hole everywhere I go in the house where she used to be. Thank you for giving me such a wonderful gift of memories of her and I together."

"The photos look great! I'm so happy with them, but also miss her so much they made me tear up. Thank you so much for fitting us in. At that point, I had no idea what little time I had left. It means so much to me to have these!"

"Thank you so much!!! These are so beautiful already, I have so many happy tears. I am forever grateful for this." 

"Omg they are beautiful!!! I don’t even know where to begin to pick my favorites!! I can’t thank you enough!"

"Thank you again so much for that session, it means everything to me especially nowadays."

"So I just wanted to say: we had to say goodbye to Jolly a little over a month ago now. And these pictures are amazing to me. They bring me nothing but happiness and fond memories. This was not only an amazing gift but a truly fun awesome day where I got to meet you and be amazed at how good you are at your job. You made me and my old man feel like we were just having a walk with a friend. I really can not thank you enough for these. I am so grateful., You’re amazing.”

"I wanted to reach out and tell you thank you so much again for doing these pics for us! We finally had to make the hardest decision ever to put Sigma down yesterday. He lived much longer than anyone expected and did so well. He was my “heart” pet so it’s been hard. Towards the end the cancer spread to his face and destroyed his lips and tongue. I am so thankful we got these pictures done when he was feeling good and before the cancer moved to his face. I’ll treasure them forever and they’ve been a comfort during this tough time. It’s been nice to have them to remember when he was himself before the cancer caused so many issues. I know this is totally random but wanted you to know how thankful and appreciative I am again!" 

"I can not thank you enough for the beautiful images and memories you gave me of my dear Eloise! During such a sad and dark time, you and your camera were a ray of light, giving me images to cherish. These photos will be a constant reminder of Eloise's love and loyalty. She was a loyal and loving companion for eight short years. Thanks again."

"Thank you so much for all that you have done for us and for Willow. It's hard to express to you how important and special the photo shoot with Willow was to us. The photos so perfectly capture Willow's personality and character. He was a one-of-a-kind dog, and you have an amazing gift that captured that in photos. We will cherish these photos for the rest of our lives. You went out of your way to help us, and even just your kind words throughout Willow's illness, and your support after he passed was so appreciated. You have deeply impacted our lives. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you!"

Other client comments from legacy as well as regular sessions can be viewed here.

March, 2015 | Bandit's Legacy was launched and featured in the Paws for Charity Magazine's inaugural issue.

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